Monday, August 22nd, 2011

Drake Mernick making ohs look easy

Why are kids more flexible than adults? Flexibility is one of the most neglected domains of fitness. People often think in order to get stronger and faster that they have to lift heavier. That’s only partly true. Mobility is key to efficiency, strength and injury prevention. We’ve talked about it a lot lately, but I wanted to take a moment to elaborate on mobility. Kids were in the fetal position not too long ago inside their mother’s womb. They are forced to be flexible. Remember, your body will adapt to anything. The process of inflexibility happens over years of not being in the fetal position. However, you can reverse that process by working on mobility daily. Pick an area that needs to be addressed, show up 5 minutes early to class and make it a point to work it in before your warmup. Over the course of one week you’ll have targeted 4-5 areas that need improvement. Keep doing that and what happens? Your body starts adapting to the demands of being more mobile. It’s not rocket science. GET IN THE FETAL POSITION! – WW


Part A) Med Ball cleans

Part B) 15 minutes to find a 1RM Clean & Jerk


3 Rounds for Time of:

135/95 Front Squats, 12 reps

Burpee pull-ups, 12 reps

Cool Down

Tabata Double Unders

Travel WOD for Road Dogs

15 minute AMRAP of:

5 Clapping Push-ups

10 Jumping lunges (each jump is 1 rep – alternate legs)

15 sit-ups


*Remember all CrossFit style workouts are scalable/modifiable to each individual’s fitness level

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18 Responses to Monday, August 22nd, 2011

  1. Brett says:

    Worked up to 275# on clean and jerk… need to re-establish confidence.

    WOD 5:17 RXD

  2. Rob says:

    Road dog wod from Havasu….only 98 this morning so we were good;).

    Rob – 13 rounds 2 push ups
    Denise – 10 rounds even

    Thanks Wayne, good start to our week.

  3. joe m says:

    Road dog wod from maui, Joe 15 +5 p/ u cammi 7+11 sit UPS thanks wayne!

  4. Paula says:

    C&J=85# PR
    WOD: 15:55 65#/Red Band kip pu
    Tabata DU’S #44

    • WW says:

      You’re making progress daily, Paula. Keep up the hard work and I will guide you in the right direction. Be patient with your progress and stay at it!

  5. Yvette Mojarro says:

    C & J w/Michelle 115#
    WOD 12:49 Rxd (goal was 11 min but those were a lil heavy 😉
    Tabata DUs 75!!!!!!(last week 18) YES! Mr Wayne you are getting this girl somewhere!!!! THANK YOU

    • Yvette Mojarro says:

      BTW, i did plenty of fetals positions today, you’d be proud!

    • WW says:

      Your work ethic is off the charts. Just like Paula I am glad I am getting a chance to channel your work ethic into making progress as an athlete. I look forward to seeing you guys grow into certified bad asses

    • Michelle P. says:

      So excited to lift with you again! 😀 I’m a lucky gal

  6. Bri W says:

    C & j 95#
    WoD 8:41 75#
    Tabatas 127 with crying invloved since my screw came off 3x 🙁

  7. Michelle P. says:

    Clean n Jerks – 115lbs (ran outta time due to a metal splinter – but what doesn’t kill ya’ makes you stronger hopefully)
    WOD – 13.52 with 75#, and split my burpees and pu’s into two movements
    Cooldown – 80 Airsquats

    I think I left my book out on the weight stacks, sorry for being a slob.

    • Bri W. says:

      Michelle! omg you honestly make me laugh whenever i read any of your posts and texts hahahahaha… glad i get to see you daily now 😉

  8. Sonia says:

    Since I can not make the 6pm Monday Class – BaseFit it is…which by the way KICKS MY ASS!
    Tabata THIS!
    Wall Balls 10#
    Box Jumps
    KBS #26
    187 reps
    oh ya….cool down 100AbMat Straight Legged Sit-Ups

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