Coach Sarah (@sarah_fisher99) working a 2-on-1 private session with two new members. She does a great job teaching them fundamental movements by using visual and verbal cues to ensure they’re ready to join the group classes. Here she is demonstrating the Snatch, a more technical movement that requires breaking down into progressions. 

#CrossFit #CrownTown #Professional #Coaching



Establish a new 5RM Back Squat (Heaviest day; goal is 5+ pound increase)


20 minute Partner AMRAP of:
12 Deadlift, 155/105
9 Hang Power Clean, 155/105
6 Push Jerk, 155/105

*switch every movement; example: Partner A Deadlifts, Partner B does HPC, Partner A does PJ, Partner B does Deadlift on Round 2


A. 3 x 3 Clean Pulls @ 100% of best Clean
B. 3 x 10 Bent Over Rows
C. 3 x max reps Matador Dips
Remember all CrossFit style workouts are scalable and modifiable to each individuals fitness level
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