10.11.12 – WOD


Above are numerous reasons for you to follow the Paleo Diet. If any or all of these interest you I suggest you jump on the band wagon immediately. However, by all means, if you’re not into having whiter teeth, a lean, chiseled, athletic-looking frame, acne-free skin, and, increased performance, then this diet is clearly not meant for you. – WW


***ATTN ALL MEMBERS***Due to popular demand, we have now opened a 5:15am class. We already have 11 members (5 spots left) that are calling this class their “home” class. If you are interested in switching to this class, please let me know. – WW

***ATTN ALL WOMEN – CrownTown has a new program for you. Women CrossFit

1 DAY UNTIL THE NUTRITION CHALLENGE IS OVER!!! Over $1,000 in cash/prizes. See you Friday evening for your final “dunk”. We’ll be taking after photos, too. Make sure you sign up for an appointment. The sheet in taped on the front of the cabinets in the hallway.

October 12th: Fitness Wave will be here Friday evening for the follow-up dunk. This date marks the end of the challenge. If you know you can’t make this date, please click on the link and schedule your follow up dunk directly with Fitness Wave ahead of time, as close to this date as possible.

October 13th: NLI “Warrior Soul Series” II – This is a CrossFit competition with three different divisions plus a masters division. Come support CrownTown Athletes (some first time competitors, too): Joe M., Joe D., Nick D., Lorie F., Garey C., and Steve L.

October 20th: SICest of the Southwest – This is a CrossFit competition held at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, AZ. There is an $11,000 purse. WW competing and is flying out Saturday morning from LAX to Phoenix. The competition begins at 9am and there is a live stream online at www.sicfit.com

November 3rd: California Affiliate League Coed Team Competition. Brett & Michelle P., Nico & Amber A., Garrett M. & Melissa J. are all registered thus far. This is a team competition of one male and one female. They have advanced and scaled divisions. Grab a teammate, sign up, and, go have some fun!

December 1st – or -2nd: Spartan Race. I’m going to do this event on Sunday. It would be cool to have more people from CrownTown join me. You can have teams where they take the top 4 times from each team and rank you against all other teams. Click here for more info. Please let me know before you register so I can create the team and you can join it.

December 8th: NLI “Warrior Soul Series” III – This is a CrossFit competition with three different divisions plus a masters division.

Thursday & Friday


3 Rounds for reps of:

1 minute of Burpees
1 minute of 5 yard X 5 yard shuttle run
1 minute of Mountain Climbers
1 minute of Jumping Jacks
1 minute of Russian Twist with plate
1 minute of Planche hold (aka Rest)


Strength: Find a 20RM Push Jerk


Five rounds AS FAST AS POSSIBLE of:

275/185 pound Deadlift, 5 reps
10 Burpees

*NOTE: this WOD has a 10 minute time cap

Cool down: every :30 for 3 minutes rotate between Cobra & Childs Pose, then, perform 3 X 10 Knees to elbows

Post results to comments and www.BeyondTheWhiteBoard.com

*Remember all CrossFit style workouts are scalable and modifiable to each individuals fitness level

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