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Wednesday, August 31st, 2011

YouTube Poster

K-Star brings up an important point in this episode. Due to how hot it has been lately, I wanted to take a second to educate you on how much water you should be drinking daily in order to stay properly hydrated. Please note that being even slightly dehydrated can adversely impact your performance and block you from getting to your goals. Don’t let something so simple get in your way. Here is the equation;

Take your bodyweight in pounds and divide it by 2. That number is how many ounces of water you should be drinking daily. Additionally, drink one 16.9 ounce bottle of water on days you are training. Example: I weight 210 pounds. Therefore, I am drinking 105 ounces minimum per day. On days I train, I am drinking a gallon or more (128 ounces). Easiest way to do this is find a jug that is equivalent to the amount you need to drink daily and pour your water from there. I find this much easier when I fill my jug up in the morning and make certain to finish it before the day is over versus having to remember how many 8 oz. glasses you drank. Remember to have a plan. How can you hit a bullseye, if you don’t know what you’re aiming at? Stay thirsty my friends. – WW

Skill – Take a KB in the grass and practice various skills/tricks. Click here to watch what I am talking about.

WOD – 20 minute AMRAP of:

400 meter run

Muscle-ups, 7 Reps

Cool Down – Tabata L-Sits


*Remember all CrossFit style workouts are scalable and modifiable to each individuals fitness level

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