11.27.13 – WOD


Relocation update:
Paint ☑️
Flooring arrived ☑️
Next up are build outs, sound system, and second pull-up rig installation. More soon…



Skill: 12 minutes to work on either Hang Power Clean or Hang Power Snatch

*build up to a heavy single, let how you feel dictate how heavy you go, if you feel good push yourself, if you don’t feel like it just work moderate loads and focus on quality

WOD: 18 minute AMRAP of:

15 Box Jumps, 24/20 inch box
12 Push Press, 115/75 pounds
9 Toes to Bar


WOD: 3 rounds for time of:

Run 800 meters
36 Air Squats
Run 200 meters
12 Pull-ups
Run 400 meters
18 DB/KB Push Press

*30 minute time cap

Remember all CrossFit style workouts are scalable and modifiable to each individuals fitness level

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11 Responses to 11.27.13 – WOD

  1. Laci wells says:

    A) 11/27/13,
    B) completed,
    C) 70# snatch ,
    D) 120# clean,
    E) 4+4 push press Rx’d ,
    F) completed

  2. wodmama says:

    B. Completed
    C. 95 HPS, 115 HPC
    D. 5 Rds + 1/12 PP rx

  3. Dominic Rabay says:

    a. 11/27
    B. 150; 185
    c. 7 + 1 box jump

  4. Eric H says:

    B) completed
    C) 125 HPS
    D) 5 rds + 4 t2b RX

  5. Joseph DiNieri says:

    B. Complete
    C. 195# snatch
    D. 245# clean
    E. 7 + 11 push press
    F. Complete

  6. Sarah Fisher says:

    B. Complete
    C. 80 HPS
    D. 110 HPC
    E. 8 Rx
    F. Complete

  7. Kim Wisnia says:

    c-75# hps
    d-115 hpc
    e-5 plus 8/12 pp rxd

  8. Veronica Ascencio says:

    B. complete
    C. 85# hps
    D. 120# hpc
    E. 4+6 box jumps. 17″/rom
    F. Complete

  9. Darlene says:

    A.) Completed
    B.) 75#hps
    C.) 115hpcl
    D.) 6rounds plus 10 bp
    E.) Completed

  10. pnewell says:

    B) Completed
    C) 70# – did not PR
    D) 95# – did not PR
    E) 4 + 3 push-presses (modified with 17″ box jumps)
    F) Completed

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