10.15.13 – Schedule


Upcoming Events


5:30-6:30am = Women CrossFit

6:30-9:30am = CrossFit open gym hours

9:30-10:30am = Women CrossFit

12-2pm = CrossFit open gym hours

5-6pm = Endurance class / CrossFit Open Gym time

Endurance WOD:

Warm-up: jog 1/3 mile loop
Skill: Bring Sally Up Air Squats with Med Ball 20/14#
5K Time Trial
Compare Results from previous 5k
*know your previous time I want you to set a goal for yourself before you start WOD.
Cool Down:
Elevated pigeon :90 ea leg
Calf stretch :90 ea leg

6-7pm = Women CrossFit

7-8pm = Quicksilver CrossFit group class / Monday make-up WOD

8-8:30 = Extra Open Gym hours

*Remember all CrossFit style workouts are scalable and modifiable to each individuals fitness level

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25 Responses to 10.15.13 – Schedule

  1. Laci wells says:

    10/15/2013,Completed ,My lower back was still hurting badly so I did Cindy instead of the deadlifts. I got 6 rounds ,Bench press: 5 sets of 5 reps. 1. 45# 2. 50# 3. 55# 4. 60# 5. 65#,This stretch was also hurting my back so I hung on the GHD for 4 min the completed 15 min of stretching

  2. Joe Merriam says:

    10/15/2013,Completed,8rds+1D/L. RX,185/195/215/225 got 4 at235,completed

  3. Jordain Merriam says:

    A. 10/15/13
    B. completed
    C. 3rds + 3 PU #145/ blu RD
    D. 65/70/75/80/85
    E. Completed

  4. Jamie Morabito says:

    B- Completed
    C- 6+6pu. Rx
    D- 135,145,155,165,175
    E- Completed

  5. Kurtis Moore says:

    B) completed
    C) 6+ 2pu
    D)did not have enough time
    E) not enough time

    B. 4 rds + 5 DL rx weight & ring dips + strict w R/P bands on pullup.
    C. 75, 85, 95, 105, tried 120 failed at 4.
    D. COMPLETED at home.

  7. Joseph DiNieri says:

    B. Completed
    C. 8+5 hspu *hspu instead of DL(hamstring)
    D. 185, 215, 235, 255, 275
    E. Completed

  8. kipfield says:

    B) Completed
    C) 8 + 4 pu RX
    D) 155-175-175-185-205f-185
    E) Completed

  9. Eric H says:

    A) 10-15-13
    B) Completed
    C) 5 rds + 5 DL. #225
    D)135, 165, 185, 195, 195
    E) Complete

  10. Future Mrs Murphy says:

    B. Complete, C. 6+1 dip 165# red band, D. 45/65/95/100F/95, E., completed

  11. A)10/15/2013,B)Complete,C)5+1DL Pink ring dip,D)45#,50#,55#,65#,65#”,E)Complete

  12. Kim Wisnia says:

    c-6+7pu/135# pink ring dips

  13. rachel walsh says:

    A) completed
    B) 6 rds + 6 pu 125#
    C) 45, 55, 65, 70, 75 (f)
    D) @ home

  14. Randy Lewis says:

    B completed
    C 6 + 3 dl 225#
    D 155, 175, 175, 185, 205(1)
    E completed

  15. Sarah Lewis says:

    B completed
    C 5 + 5 dl + 5 rd purple @ 135#
    D 75, 85, 90,95, 100
    E completed

  16. timmytw121 says:

    A) 10/15/13
    B) Complete
    C) 8+1PU Red
    D) 135, 185, 205, 215, 225
    E) Completed at home

  17. Chris Olson says:

    B Completed
    C #185 5+ 6pu
    D 65 75 80 85 90
    E Completed

  18. Brett Riley says:

    B. Completed
    C. 6 Rds, 1 DL Rx
    D. Didn’t have time since box closed
    E. Got in what I could

  19. Nicole Long says:

    B. Completed
    C. 3 + 10 PU, 125#/ red band rd
    D. 45, 55, 60, 65, 70(PR)
    E. Completed

  20. tdenson12 says:

    B) 7+7 pull up
    D) 185/225/245/255 failed on the 4th lift/245

  21. Veronica Ascencio says:

    B. Complete
    C. 4+10 PU , 135# , blue RD, blue/green PU
    D. 45, 55, 65, 70, 85
    E. Complete

  22. Shannon Becerra says:

    A. 10/15/13
    B. completed
    C. 5 + 5 pull ups… red band on ring dips #105
    D. 45, 55, 60, 65, 65
    E. completed

  23. Spencer Murphy says:

    B. Complete
    C. 6 +3 pu Rx
    D. 135,185,225 , back cramped
    E. Complete

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