December 22-23, 2011 – WOD


Picture above of Vina Talley and Nadine Pizzo shortly after they both completed their first unassisted kipping Pull-up. Congrats on your accomplishment ladies! Keep up the hard work and dedication. -WW

***Upcoming Events***

January 14-15, 2012: The OC Throwdown. Two day competition that WW is competing in. He qualified for the Elite Division where he will be competing against seven CrossFit Games competitors along with many other legit athletes from all over. This event will be more competitive than last year’s Regional. Must see!

FYI: There will be one class at the normal time this Saturday, Christmas Eve at 9am. Get your WOD in and then enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend with the loved ones. Hint: WOD will be in the spirit of Christmas.

Thursday & Friday

Strength: Sumo Deadlift 7 X 3 @ 60% of 1RM (Dynamic Effort with roughly 60 seconds of rest between sets)

WOD: 8 X 200 Meter Runs with 90 seconds of rest between rounds. Keep times consistent within 2-3 seconds.

Cool down: Mobility WOD – Glutes

*Remember all CrossFit style workouts are scalable and modifiable to each individuals fitness level

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